Spider Traps Direct – Ultra Light Catch

Mice weigh more than spiders

Mice are 8,000 times heavier than spiders.  ( an average mouse weighs 25 grams and average spider weighs 3 milligrams) .
So why do most old school ‘insect monitors’ or
‘spider traps’ use the same sticky glue that is used to catch mice and rats?  Because its the glue they have!

At TrapsDirect.com, they asked the same question and decided to upset the apple cart.   Over 18 months focused testing and re-engineering using the latest science Traps Direct has developed “Ultra light catch” small insect trap field surface.

Rat Glue good bye!

Product designers were well aware of the youtube videos showing a house spider crawling across the glue, and then out the side of an insect trap.   Most of the comments focus on the window that the spider crawled through, but at TrapsDirect.com the issue was the spider walked across the glue!

After repeated inquiries, and purchasing every type and brand of insect trap for evaluation, it turned out that mouse glue was just the industry norm.

Spider Trap Ultra Light

Ultra Light Catches Tiny insects

An insect test center was designed and over 50 different formula variations of sticky glue were tested and evaluated against crawling and flying insects.   The final results are found in the Ultra Light Catch glue used in spider-trap-4.

The amazing thing about the glue is that it catches insects that just never were caught before:

Made for insects Ultra Light Catch

The difference is obvious, rodents and insects require completely different solutions for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and they also require different substrates for catch them.  Traps Direct leads the industry with the updated Ultra Light Catch trapping field.

We’ve zoomed in to look at the insect on the left of the earlier photo.  Notice this insect is has a 1/32″ body, and was stopped immediately with the edge-to-edge feature of the Spider-Trap-4.

Micro Sized Bugs caught with re-engineered Ultra Light Catch Glue

Ultra Sticky Usage Tip

The only downside we have found is that the Ultra Light Catch Trap Field is so sticky, that sometimes the release wax paper may tear as you remove it.  Removing the release paper is best performed at a 45 degree angle to the trap, with a single, sharp and long pull.

If you do find the wax paper hard to remove, first separate the 4 traps into single traps, then put a trap in the freezer for 2 minutes.  Then, remove from the freezer, and you will find the wax paper comes off more easily.

Smart Spider Traps

With features including wrap around spider traps with Max Perimeter (high ATFe rating) preventing brown recluse spiders from walking out a window.  Or the No Warning Edge-To-Edge active trap field, it’s clear the Traps Direct means to deliver a product focused on the pest it means to control.   Mission accomplished.